Monday, December 6, 2010


Jon, Ella and I were able to make it back to get to one of Jon's sister,Roxana's volleyball games. It was good to get to watch her play, and she is a great setter! On the way back to Butte, from the game Jon's mom Susan took us on a detour through Long Pine, which had a neat creek and some campgrounds. It was a really pretty area.

We made it back up north again that month to join Jon's mom's side of the family the Hoffman's for a hayrack ride, and to watch the Nebraska vs Texas football game. The game didn't turn out very well, but we had a good time anyways, and all the kids had a blast!

Halloween weekend, we made some carmel apples, went to a pumpkin patch, and carved some pumpkins. The pumpking patch was over by Hastings, and it was alot of fun. They had all kinds of activites and playgrounds. They had some ponies, a calf, some goats and chickens at a little petting zoo. They had a haystack jump, where kids could jump off a little ledge into a pile of hay, and a large sandbox full or corn, some tractor trikes, hillbilly bowling, a cornmaze, big slides, plunge on the prarie and so on. Ella loved it! You can check it out here Pumpkin patch!November

Jon, and Ella went hunting in Butte, while I headed up to Pierre to go to the Zonta Craft Fair with my mom and sister. Jon and Ella did get a deer and were both pretty exciting about it!

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