Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Letter


Time just keeps on flying by, we had a busy summer of fairs, parades, carnivals, and weddings. I tried to keep up with our lives by blogging and posting pictures for friends and family, but time still escaped me. In the last few days I tried to catch up on the last few months so in case this Christmas letter wasn't enough for you, there is more to read and see!

Jon is in his third year at Southern Valley teaching Ag and being the FFA advisor. This Spring he will be coaching Jr. high boys basketball and track so he keeps pretty busy. This year he is serving on the board for the Nebraska Agricultural Education Association (NAEA) so we have gone to a few meetings for that. The most recent and exciting one was the National Convention in Las Vegas. It sounds like the FFA is doing pretty well and he has some good students.
I, Torri, just finished up student teaching! which is quite the feeling to be done! Well almost done. There wasn't good chances of finding a teaching job in the middle of the school year so I decided to put off graduation until May. This way I could continue taking some classes, most of which are grad classes that I can apply towards a masters. I student taught at Holdrege High School and will receive an endorsement in 7-12th grade Physical Science. I taught a freshman Physical Science class a mixed aged Basic Science class, a junior Chemistry class and a senior physics class. It was alot of fun, and I'm ready to have my own classroom and income!!
Ella turned 4 this year and is growing like a weed. She is looking forward to Christmas break which will be spent in Pierre and Butte. It will be nice to get to see all the relatives that we haven't seen for awhile. She is very outgoing, and can make friends with just about anyone. She loves to bake, dance, sing, watch movies, run, swim, play and just about anything else there is to do!

We got two vacations this year! We got to go down to Branson Missouri with some family and got to go to Vegas just recently. But one of the most exciting things that happened this year was welcoming a new neice into the family. Jon's brother Kyle and his wife Tiffany had Joycin Ann in July. The newest member of the Lechtenberg clan! You can see some pictures of our vacation and Joycin on our photos page, or read about them in our posts.

We are excited to go to the Rose Bowl this year. Texas Christian University is playing, and Jon's brother Brandon is currently a graduate assistant there. His other brother Adam was also previously there for 2 years and since we haven't made it to a game yet, we figured this is our last chance and who would pass up a chance to go to the Rose Bowl! So everyone cheer for the horned frogs and look for us on TV!
I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying the holidays!


Jon, Torri, Ella
and Charlie

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