Monday, June 28, 2010

Keepin Cool

Jon headed up to Mankato Minnesota on Tuesday at 4 in the morning for a Region III National Assocaiton of Agricultural Educators Conference, so it was just Ella and I for a few days. Tuesday we went to Holdrege and did some shopping, washed the truck and got groceries. We got home and decided to go swimming at the pool.

Thursday we got up and met Sara Scholz and her kids in Holdrege, and went up to Kearney. Sara and I finished up our Modern Physics class (feels good to be done!) while the kids played. She has a 3 year old boy (turns for on the 3rd of July)Garret and a 7 year old girl, Abbey. Ella and Garret got along well and played farm for a good hour. Then we went to lunch at McDonalds or in Garret's words "Old McDonalds". After lunch we went to Yanney park which is a pretty cool set up, with a lake and a little waterpark area. They have paddle boats and kyaks to rent for the lake, and the waterpark area is free. The kids had a great time. After the park we went to Walmart, pretty brave of us with 3 tired kids! haha Jon got home not too long after we did Thursday night.

I got called in to lifegaurd on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was super hot, over 100 degrees. The water was so warm it didn't really cool us off when we swam. Jon and Ella came swimming, and Ella got to jump off the diving board. I finally got up enough guts to do a back flip off the board, crazy it's been 4 years since lifegaurding at the Ft. Pierre Pool.

Monday, we started swimming lessons at the pool. It was a little chilly for the first class, but got warmer as the morning went on. I got a little sunburned from being in the water all morning, but I dont think it's too bad. Ella went to the neighbors house while I was at lessons, since Jon had to go to Gothenberg today for a district ag ed meeting. (I swear he has a meeting every week!) This evening we had our friend Jesi Normille come take some family photos for us. It was a little hot and buggy but I think we got some good ones. Jesi has started doing photography as a hobby and is really awesome at it! So we are excited to get our pictures back in a few weeks! I'll post a link to them, so you can tell me your favorite one and we'll get a print for ya.

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