Sunday, June 20, 2010

Nollette Wedding & Father's Day!

We were home this past week which has been pretty nice. I did go to Kearney a few days to work on my summer class and Jon had weight room duty in the mornings. Ella and I had quite the time with bubbles one afternoon, and we all finally made it to the pool for a swim!

Thursday Sarah Scholz and I finished up our class work for the day early and decided to go to a couple garage sales before leaving town. I found a little tykes car and picnic table, and she ended up getting a really nice dining table and hutch! We were pretty excited about our buys....and then we got back to the car and we had a flat tire! We were glad it happened in a neighborhood and not on the highway on the way home. Sarah is a science teacher in Bertrand, which is just north of Oxford. She was also the former Ag teacher at Southern Valley. Even crazier is she student taught in Butte under Russ (Jon's dad). And now we've been taking quite a few classes together, since she is Ag and Biology endorsesed, and is working on her physical science endorsement.

Friday, Jon and I headed to Lincoln for the night since we had a wedding to go to in Omaha the next day. Brent Nollette graduated from UNL with Jon and is now the Ag Ed teacher in Amherst.We got to Lincoln pretty early so we went to the mall for a bit, shopped and ate, and then went to the horse races. We stayed and Zach( Limbach) and Jen's house, who are getting married next June and have an awsome house! In the morning we had to run out to get a wedding gift : ) and then Jon's friend Mitch and his finacee Haley met up with us and we headed to Omaha. Mitch, also a college friend, is also an Ag Ed teacher in Ord. (Apparently we only hang out with teachers, because Zach and Jen are both teachers too! haha) The wedding was at 2 and we had some time to kill before the reception so Haley and I went to Nebraska Furniture Mart while the boys went to a nearby bar. The reception was very nice, steak dinner. It was a fun dance, and they even had karaokee! It was a late night going back to Lincoln, but the College World Series was going on so all the rooms in Omaha were booked up!

Sunday, we got back to Kearney for Father's Day Lunch and USA Steak & Buffet and did a little browsing and dreaming at Menards. We picked up Ella around 2, her mom, Bri got married this weekend too, and it sounded like their wedding was alot of fun too. Jon and Ella fell asleep on the way home but got up in time for a quick supper and a movie. We went to Shrek, The Final Chapter, it was pretty cute.

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