Wednesday, May 5, 2010


After two final exams and turning in a paper I was offically done with the semester today. I do have about 7 credits to take care of this summer, but other than that I am all ready for student teaching at Holdrege High School this fall. I will be teaching freshman Physical Science and Physics. It will be so nice to be done with classes...well at least undergraduate classes, I am sure I will start on my masters after graduation in December.

This past weekend I was in Pierre for Sarah's Dance Studio's Recital. I, with about 27 other girls dance in an alumni dance to a Michael Jackson medley. It was alot of fun, and good to see everyone. PHOTOS -link to our group photo (you have to enter your email to view, so make sure to 'opt out of them emailing you'.)

Jon's animal science class has been incubating some eggs which have now hatched. To view a livestream of the chicks go to You might get lucky and catch a glimpse of Mr. Lechtenberg himself! And yes the chicks are colored! They injected dye into the eggs before they hatched.

Here is another livestream that I have been watching. It is a horse with her twin foals. Apparently twin foals are pretty rare, and it's kind of a miracle both of them have survived. They are a month old now, and super cute!

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