Tuesday, April 27, 2010

End of the School Year

Spring is as busy as ever.

Jon is coaching middle school track, and he must be doing a pretty good job as they've won all their meets so far. He is also trying to wrap up the school year with classes and FFA. He has a trash pick up and end of the year FFA party this weekend. The FFA banquet is next week, and so is their district Ag meeting, which apparently family is invited to this year, so I have to learn how to make a salad : )

I have just been trying to finish my last semester on campus at UNK. I will have to take a class or two online this summer, but then I'll be done with classes. I will be student teaching this fall in Holdrege. It will be nice not to have to drive 120 miles everyday, however I'll miss being in Kearney. I'm headed to Pierre this weekend for my old Dance Studios Recital. It is my instuctors 10th year anniversary so we are having an alumni dance. I'm pretty excitied, but I still need to learn the dance in like 3 days! yikes!

We've also been trying to do some spring cleaning, but so far have only made it through 2 rooms, which probably already need cleaned again. Jon has been trying to save our yard, as our grass is pretty much a lost cause. Ella helped by picking all the "flowers" (good thing I hadn't planted any real flowers yet!)

Last weekend we went up to Kearney on Sunday for Kidz Explore at the events center. Tons of community businesses were there with hands on activites for the kids. Ella learned how to act, played lots of games, went down a huge blow up slide, learned martial arts and much more. NTV caught her on video, and she made the evening news dancing (Zoomba) on stage with the YMCA.